As you walk around our school and our community, what goes through your mind? Does our community or our school need anything? What are the needs of our youth? How can we make our community and our school better? Provide some ideas about the needs and how to address these needs. Be specific. Be kind. And most importantly, be as professional as you can be in every sense.
W RIOS period 2
4/4/2012 06:59:28 am

As I walk around Bell High School , I am thinking in my mind is how are we going to achieve in our society while we get so little help in our schools that are super pack and firing teacher. Our schools need a lot of help because with little funds we can not break the chains that we have to repeat over and over again. We need a better education and healthier school lunches. We can make our community better by getting a better education and go to college when we graduate so we can not have any regrets in life. ;)


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